Drug Spotlight: Suzetrigine

suzetrigine (VX-548)
Manufacturer: Vertex
Approval Date: 1/30/2025
Suzetrigine possesses a novel mechanism of action as a voltage-gated sodium channel inactivator for the treatment of acute pain. It works in the periphery (non-central nervous system) and is a non-opioid without expected addictive potential. Suzetrigine adds an important new option for prescribers which avoids many of the concerns with pain control via opioid agents.
Clinical Profile:
When compared to other pain control agents with similar levels of analgesic strength, such as hydrocodone bitartrate/acetaminophen (brand Lortab), suzetrigine was not shown to be superior in the level of pain relief. However, many patients and prescribers would likely accept a similar or slightly less effective medication if it were safer than options containing opioids. Most adverse effects were mild to moderate, including nausea, headache, constipation, dizziness, and hypotension.
Suzetrigine could be used as a component of a post-operative multi-modal pain management approach if additional pain relief is required. Examples of other pain control classes would be NSAIDs, local anesthetics, opioids, and anticonvulsants.
Management Strategy:
Considering the cost of branded Suzetrigine compared to low-cost generic options for pain control, there will likely be utilization management in place, making it a 2nd line option, but available if 1st line options are either inadequate or inappropriate for the member. Tier placement will be known following the product launch and the outcome of the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee (P&T) process.
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